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10 Fun and Fabulous Decoupage Furniture Projects

Decoupage Furniture Project IdeasIf you're seeking decoupage ideas for giving your tired old furniture a fresh look, download this FREE eBook for 10 free furniture decoupage project ideas—ranging from bookshelves to end tables—so get a couple bottles of your favorite Mod Podge formula, and start crafting! 

Whether you are a beginning decoupager or have used Mod Podge for years, it’s always great to have some new ideas and inspiration. One of the best things about Mod Podge is that it can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, from wood to tin to paper to glass. Decoupage is such an inexpensive way to “get your craft on,” and you are almost guaranteed great results because the process is so simple!

What's Included in this eBook

  • Mod Podge basics
  • 10 furniture decoupage project ideas

10 Fun and Fabulous Decoupage Furniture Projects