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Kids Craft Idea: DIY Custom Puzzle

Kids Craft Idea: DIY Custom Puzzle

One of the best ways to entertain our little ones at home is with arts and crafts activities. It gets even better when the final product is a game! Have some fun with your little friends with this awesome puzzle how-to!

For this how-to you’ll need: 

FolkArt Stencil1 Nature Set stencils - available in-store at Michaels
Newspaper (for an easy clean-up!)

Step 1: Use a brush to paint the background of your puzzle. Since we wanted to use the coy stencil, we decided to paint the background blue so it resembles water. We used two different tones of blue to give it a little more movement and dimension. 

Step 2: Allow the paint to dry to touch. Pick the animal stencil you want to use and place it on top of the puzzle. Since this is a flat surface, holding down the stencil to paint is okay, but taping it down with painters tape will make stenciling a lot easier for younger kids. Remember that stenciling is a dry brush technique. This means using very little paint and applying multiple layers.

We wanted our fish to have a painterly look, so we didn’t fully stencil the image. Try  stenciling with different techniques for fun results!

Step 3: Lift the stencil and allow the paint to dry. Take apart your puzzle and have fun putting it back together! Show us your puzzles @Stencil1.

Posted: 8/23/2014 8:08:00 AM by LEAP | with 0 comments
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